Friday, August 24, 2012

Munich, Aug. 24

We pulled into Munich at about 3 in the afternoon and because our hotel is so far outside the city, we got dropped off in the center and had just 2 1/2 hours to race around doing the two special things before our bus picked us up again.
G and I knew that we wanted to visit one of our favourite things in this city so we told anyone who wanted to follow, to come along. We headed off to The Hofbrauhuis for some great food, great beer and to buy G some more beerfest music. We had a lovely time being silly and then G, a new friend of ours, Cathy and I set out to find the leder hosen store so that I could buy my original German outfit this time. It was the fastest outfit that I have ever purchased. The lady was ripping things off me and then pushing stuff back on because I was in the middle of a storming hot flash and we only had 20 minutes to do it in. I apologized for soaking all of her new outfits and then we found success in 12 minutes. Now I know how a model feels.
After settling into the hotel, we walked 20 minutes to a Bavarian restaurant to have a late meal. 14 of us went together and, of course, got lost, but we can manage anything at this point.
I have to send a box home- too much stuff already.