Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12

We are in Trier, western Germany and heading back towards, eventually, Brussels. Please go back to the entry titled "May 12 and recapping" to get to the first entry that we've been able to put in for many days. We have been in the mountains for so long with no access to email - tiny hotels with no computers or no time.

Yesterday, we spent all day travelling up to the small western corner, not far from Luxembourg City, in a town called Trier. It's reputed to be the oldest town in Germany which has the Porta Nigra gate dating back to being built in the 2nd century. From here, we take an 8 euro ride on Thursday into Luxembourg City for four days. Our trip here was long because we had to change trains three times due to this being so far out of the way. Our hotel continues to be another one of our experiences. Our first room had no hot water and was facing the front noisy street on the third floor. We had that changed pretty quickly. We viewed two other rooms and chose one with a smaller shower WITH HOT WATER and facing the back courtyard. We had a wonderfully quiet night - not easy to do here in Europe in most places. We are now in a smaller room on the 4th floor with a slanted roof where the rain that is hitting the tin top makes it sound as if we are in a tent. Heaven.
Last night we went out to find a restaurant - one which would give G a schnitzel - and we found a place which specialized in potatoes. So, he had his schnitzel and I had this concoction of a baked potato with chicken pieces, spinach, garlic and three kinds of melted cheese. Sooooo good. We are going back today for potato pancakes and apple sauce.
We are planning to take it easy today and just do laundry and hang out reading and watching tv in our room. This is a good thing especially as it is pouring outside.
We are getting pretty excited about our return home but don't want to rush away our time here. I think I need a nap.

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