Friday, May 15, 2009

In Luxembourg City

Back to the land of French. Poor Gerhard, he's missing Germany already. Funny thing - I'm understanding more when I watch German TV than I do when I watch French TV. Yikes!
We trained it to Lux City on an 8 Euro Special. Imagine - 8 little euros to travel 1 hour to another country. When we got off the train, we went across the street to a Best Western to ask directions to our hotel. We sent me in because it is a French speaking country. The lady was speaking perfect German so I talked to her in German. Go figure.
Anyway, she gave me directions to the street but little did we know that she sent us - yes, in the right way, but from the other end of the street. In other words, it was a two km walk instead of a 5 min walk. Another yikes!
It poured here yesterday - same as in Wpg we heard - so we rested a bit and then went out for groceries. Got caught in a thunder and lightening storm - us with perfect little metal umbrellas pointed straight up into the air just asking for trouble.
Today we are headed into the fairy tale picturesque old part of the city to spend the day. Might take a hopon-hopoff bus to see the sights first.
Our hotel room has ants. C'est la vie!!!!!!