Monday, March 16, 2009

Morocco Style

Hello from Morocco. Good thing that this hotel has a computer because I need to get this down before it becomes just a memory and not a reality any longer.
We drove yesterday for many hours crossing the country from Tangier to Fes. Four people actually got sick in the back of the bus from the bumping and jostling on the small, broken up roads that we had to take. Morocco only has two main highways and we weren't on any of them.
This country is a place of contrasts. Tangier is said to be the armpit of the country yet that's the place where the ferry dis and embarks. I actually found that Tangier was a pretty little city but it is said that it can be uite a rough place to be because of the port and the beach areas. We seemed to get through the crossing and back on the bus with no problem but as we were driving towards Fes, just outside of Tangier, 5 boys of ages 10 to 12 started to run around the bus while we were at a stop light. Turns out two of those 5 jumped onto the back of the bus and hitched a ride with us. We were going over 100 km/hr and yet they were holding on for over 30 minutes until we finally stopped on the side of the road and shooed them off. Our Moroccan guide told us "Don't worry, this is normal." It seems that they hitch often trying to hide themselves on the buses that are about to cross over to Spain and enter illegally to escape their country. The rest of us were quite worried about their safety and yet the guide said, "If they fall off, it will be their own fault." All this and only 10 minutes on the road. He said that on our return is when we really have to watch for them because they will hide themselves in the luggage area or by hanging onto the undercarriage of the bus. I felt like I was back on one of my trips to the Eastern Block of Germany. It was pretty unnerving.
During the night, in our hotel room, we had a little visitor who left remnants of his meals in the bathroom. Parts of the ceiling asbestos were falling onto my face, bed and luggage as I slept, I had a tubby this morning that was tepid and I had let the hot water tap run full blast the whole time and... and this is the best part of all..... the toilet seat is not functioning so when I sat down, my bottom fell right into the bowl. Needless to say, I needed another tubby. Well, things are surely interesting here for what they call a 4-star hotel.

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