I am in a 24-hour internet cafe whilst G is back at the hotel doing some report writing for his old division. He has a report due to the superintendent by the 16th. So, I decided that it would be a good time to walk on down to my favourite street, the livliest and most travelled street in West Berlin - Kurfersterdam Strasse. It's a blast. Yesterday, as we walked the street on our way to our bus tour, we took several pictures of all the very expensive alfa romeros, austin minis, jags, and a bunch of other car names I can't remember. This makes sense because all along the strip are very well-to-do stores that we would never see as a walk-in place right off the street. Gotta love the busyness of it all. Well, we do that's for sure. It does sound as if we are in a constant 'ready, set, go' mode and indeed sometimes we love how we are seeing so many things in such a short time, but remember, we are very careful to get to bed each night in good time and to eat very well so that we don't get sick or overtired.
It's amazing how I can watch Gerhard view his parent's homeland with fresh eyes. He is seeing and experiencing it for the first time and it is made all the more better by being here in the off-season when there are at least fewer people around to deal with and a better chance for us to stay on top of our accomodations in each new city.
We are headed next to Dusseldorf for 4 days and then to Koln (Cologne) for the next week during Fasching or carnaval. Shortly after that is our trip to Spain etc. and today our notification of our trip to France came through as a go. Yahoo!!! Wait a minute - that's a website, Hooray!!!!!
Love to all in the ice and snow. None here as of yet even tho' the stations say so.
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