We are amazed at our surroundings. Things are dry and hot here in the southern parts of the US. We spent four wonderful days in Anaheim going to Disneyland and then to LA and Hollywood and then one day to spend at the beaches. Newport Beach, Laguna, Santa Monica etc. What a blast. Walking in the sand and holding hands. People were surfing even. James, you would have loved being at Huntington Beach. Biggest waves this year.
We have had pretty good weather so far in CA. We loved Disneyland. Especially Gerhard who has never been to something like that before.
We are now trying to get our southern end of the holiday soaked in so that it will last us to the end of winter for the rest of the parts of the world that we will be in. So much to learn from our travels.
For instance. at this very moment I am panicked at how hard it is to type when I've only got 4 minutes left on this silly machine that is at the KOA campground to type to you folks. We hope everyone is okay and we are trying to keep you up to date but it is hard without having a laptop along. We are old (er) and slow (er) and don't have a laptop yet.
We are going swimming soon and then to sit in the hot tub here in San Diego. We will be heading east along the highway number 8 towards Florida soon.
No pictures from this point - cause this machine has me on the run and G is continually putting his credit card into his slot and then pulling it out. Haven't a clue what he's doing. Love to all. J and G xoxo
Saturday, November 29, 2008
In San Diego After 4 days in Anaheim
Heh everyone,
Here in San Diego. Spent the day lazing around the campsite and reading in the hot sunshine. Finally. We will be heading out tomorrow for another jump off, jump on tour of the city and then the next day to the famous zoo and balboa park area. For Tuesday, we may head off to Tiajana, Mexico. We'll see. It's a Grey Line bus tour and we're not sure yet where to catch the bus downtown somewhere
Here in San Diego. Spent the day lazing around the campsite and reading in the hot sunshine. Finally. We will be heading out tomorrow for another jump off, jump on tour of the city and then the next day to the famous zoo and balboa park area. For Tuesday, we may head off to Tiajana, Mexico. We'll see. It's a Grey Line bus tour and we're not sure yet where to catch the bus downtown somewhere
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sea Lions at the Wharf
Wish you all were here.
j and g
Here in San Francisco
We have had a wonderful time here in SF. This comes to you by way of our neighbours upstairs in SF. Actually, they are Helga and Kurt's neighbours and they were very nice to allow us to come upstairs and use their computers. Such lovely people.
G's cousin, Helga and Kurt, have been so kind as to let us use their apartment here in San Francisco. We have been very busy viewing as much as we can throughout the city - taking a large bus tour, taking as many buses as possible and talking to as many locals as we can. We went to Dim Sum today which was G's very first try at eating surprises of local chinese food. Chinatown is a huge marvel. So lively.
Lots of info and history to sink in for SF. We are very glad that we chose to take quite a bit of touristy things so that we could get a better flavour in a more quick way. It really worked. We now know how difficult and how exciting it is to live in such a large, busy and overly crowded place. Tomorrow we leave for Disneyland and hopefully we will be able to visit there but it's very close to American Thanksgiving and there may be too many visitors to stay there. We'll see.
Toodles jand g
G's cousin, Helga and Kurt, have been so kind as to let us use their apartment here in San Francisco. We have been very busy viewing as much as we can throughout the city - taking a large bus tour, taking as many buses as possible and talking to as many locals as we can. We went to Dim Sum today which was G's very first try at eating surprises of local chinese food. Chinatown is a huge marvel. So lively.
Lots of info and history to sink in for SF. We are very glad that we chose to take quite a bit of touristy things so that we could get a better flavour in a more quick way. It really worked. We now know how difficult and how exciting it is to live in such a large, busy and overly crowded place. Tomorrow we leave for Disneyland and hopefully we will be able to visit there but it's very close to American Thanksgiving and there may be too many visitors to stay there. We'll see.
Toodles jand g
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Leaving Corvallis
We are headed for San Fran today after visiting with cousins in Corvallis, Oregon. We had such a lovely time here in the valley between the mountains. What a beautiful place and had a great time getting to know our new relatives on this side of the world. Very hospitable and I got new jammies from them as I've seemed to have left my nightshirt somewhere in the netherworld.
We took a trip up into the rainforest of Oregon at Silver Falls State Park and walked for a few hours through the dense wetness. Great exercise. Couldn't believe all the new vegetation and all the moss growing everywhere, as well as, numerous mushrooms we've never seen before. Today it is raining buckets. We will try to make it to San Francisco in about 2 days. We'll see. More later.
We took a trip up into the rainforest of Oregon at Silver Falls State Park and walked for a few hours through the dense wetness. Great exercise. Couldn't believe all the new vegetation and all the moss growing everywhere, as well as, numerous mushrooms we've never seen before. Today it is raining buckets. We will try to make it to San Francisco in about 2 days. We'll see. More later.
Monday, November 17, 2008
A great big goodbye to the girls.
We will very much miss our two special little munchkins Jennifer and Jessica from Washington. You are great little ones. Keep growing!
Love Gerhard and JoAnne
Love Gerhard and JoAnne
Seattle, Downtown
Hi guys, This is the downtown Seattle monorail building. Inside is a large mall with an eatery upstairs beside the doors to enter for the monorail. We took the monorail to the Seattle needle to view the city from up high. During the summer, all around the needle, are several rides and exhibitions to view. It's a great place to spend the day.
We also toured the downtown area where a place called "Pikes Place Market" is established and runs daily selling anything and everything you've ever wanted - not needed however. A very cool place. The people were so nice in the city.
We also spent a day touring Tacoma. We visited the court house, the art museum, the glass museum and the most favourite of all, the U of Washington's campus bookstore. On another day we went back into Tacoma to the Tacoma Dome to go through their beads and precious stones event.
The rest of the week we hung out with Darrin, Kristie (G's nephew and niece) and the girls. We had a great time visiting with the whole family as Laura, Gerhard's sister, came over to stay, as well as, Chris and Tanya (other nephew and niece). We had a great time loving up their dog and taking her for long walks. A huge family affair. Just like an early Xmas. We are headed today to Corvallis, Oregon to visit with Helga and husband, G's cousin. Hopefully we can get more family background stuff straightened out. We are holding off a bit to give the huge fires near Los Angeles time to clear of the smoke so that we can visit Disneyland, which is near to there.
Both of us are healthy and ready to be on the road again.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sounds Like Fun
Hi Guys,
Well sounds like a wonderful journey, we've been having some west coast weather here at home as well. Love the coast,sounds like such a beautiful place. Jo and I are off to Calgary this weekend for a visit, both wishing we were on a journey through the states, with winter hovering over us. Great reading the news, have a blast. Waiting for your next update.
Trev Jo
Well sounds like a wonderful journey, we've been having some west coast weather here at home as well. Love the coast,sounds like such a beautiful place. Jo and I are off to Calgary this weekend for a visit, both wishing we were on a journey through the states, with winter hovering over us. Great reading the news, have a blast. Waiting for your next update.
Trev Jo
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
In Washington, Lakewood
Change of plans again. Changes are constant - must flow with the wind. We are here in Lakewood, Washington, about 30 miles outside of Seattle. We stayed out first night in a campground and then came more south a bit to stay with Darren and Kristie and children in Lakewood. Will take a bus from here to Seattle for sightseeing either today or tomorrow. Still raining. Ahh, the west coast.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Outside of Seattle
Just landed outside of Seattle in a little city called Bellevue. We are staying at a campground, year round, near Seattle. Will take a bus into the city tomorrow to spend the day. Am now going swimming and to the spa.
Didn't make it to Victoria. Seemed no one was available so we will catch up with them another time. Onto the pool.
Didn't make it to Victoria. Seemed no one was available so we will catch up with them another time. Onto the pool.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Today in Vancouver
Look at me. This is my first try at posting a picture. Paul, our nephew, helped me. He's great! Today, we visited Granville Island, a great place to visit for the day. All the markets, stores, cafes, museums that you want to shop at and more people to bump elbows with just like a sardine can. What a visit. Wally and Doreen took us downtown and even drove. Spoiled us terribly. This is downtown Vancouver. I've actually never been there before. Supper high apartment buildings with water busses that will take you back and forth to home and shopping. Never need a car if you live anywhere near to here. Wish you could be here - oh well, we're leaving. Next stop, Seattle. xoxo
In Richmond. BC
What's up with the weather? I guess people in BC are used to the rain - understatement of the year. We came out of the mountains Thursday evening - delayed a day due to a jack-knifed 18 wheeler on the Allison mountain pass and, of course, snow. Landed in Hope, BC, a small town of 8 thousand where the movie "Rambo, First Blood" was filmed. From there we took the number 1 highway into the coast. Our lovely little female attendant, Selena, our GPS device, decided to take us on a convoluted course which ended us in a 1 and 1/2 hour traffic stall. Jeesh! Gotta love that new technology.
Finally found Carl's place around supper and have been here for two days. Yesterday we took a drive around the whole of Richmond - a beautiful place and easy to navigate. We ended up on the seaside wharf tourist/shopping/dining place and stopped for lunch. Dipped our hands into the pacific for prosperity. Had supper with Carl, partner Anne and her parents and son. Lovely evening. Today we supper with Wally, G's brother and his family. Heading off to Granville island today some time. Could be the long weekend effect, we don't know, but there seems to be less traffic around.
It's like being in another world here with the weather. Green leaves still on plants, trees that I've never seen before, warmth that doesn't need a winter coat. Very strange. Even in the valleys of our travels lately, we've found such a diverse range of differences that astound and surprise us.
We have been away from home for a time now. We miss you all.
Hopefully, I'm not rambling on. If I do, just inform me. cheers!!
Finally found Carl's place around supper and have been here for two days. Yesterday we took a drive around the whole of Richmond - a beautiful place and easy to navigate. We ended up on the seaside wharf tourist/shopping/dining place and stopped for lunch. Dipped our hands into the pacific for prosperity. Had supper with Carl, partner Anne and her parents and son. Lovely evening. Today we supper with Wally, G's brother and his family. Heading off to Granville island today some time. Could be the long weekend effect, we don't know, but there seems to be less traffic around.
It's like being in another world here with the weather. Green leaves still on plants, trees that I've never seen before, warmth that doesn't need a winter coat. Very strange. Even in the valleys of our travels lately, we've found such a diverse range of differences that astound and surprise us.
We have been away from home for a time now. We miss you all.
Hopefully, I'm not rambling on. If I do, just inform me. cheers!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The city of Osoyoos
Well we've been around the small town of Osoyoos and there are a couple of very special things to see here. The first and most interesting is a warehouse turned into a world of villages all made by hand which includes toy trains and the like. A family from Denmark moved here 30 years ago and began to build different worlds revolved around trains. It takes him about three years to complete one small corner village with tracks, homes, mountains etc. It is truly amazing.
The second most famous place, well not really famous, here is the Home Hardware store. All you handy men and women would appreciate it. Everyone else as well. It has just about everything you could imagine and it a replica of an old fashioned hardware store just off the sidewalk. Four floors, a million things and very friendly people.
So, now that we've seen the best in this city, we are going to try and leave tomorrow. The temps are supposed to be higher up in the mountains and if we time it right, about 2 up there, we should be able to cross over successfully.
Oh yeah, this is the very first time in my life, when we've come across a hotel that said "heated pool" that there has actually been a heated pool. It's body temp and so getting in is very comfortable. This is the life (as long as Jo doesn't have to live in the mountains).
The second most famous place, well not really famous, here is the Home Hardware store. All you handy men and women would appreciate it. Everyone else as well. It has just about everything you could imagine and it a replica of an old fashioned hardware store just off the sidewalk. Four floors, a million things and very friendly people.
So, now that we've seen the best in this city, we are going to try and leave tomorrow. The temps are supposed to be higher up in the mountains and if we time it right, about 2 up there, we should be able to cross over successfully.
Oh yeah, this is the very first time in my life, when we've come across a hotel that said "heated pool" that there has actually been a heated pool. It's body temp and so getting in is very comfortable. This is the life (as long as Jo doesn't have to live in the mountains).
Snowed in at Osoyoos, Bc
We're stuck in the valley between two mountain ranges. Can't get out due to icy road and snow conditions so we are in the hotel until the mountain passes are cleared and safe to travel. It is a beautiful town here so we will try to find some museums and things to do for another day to again check on the passes for tomorrow.
We left Cranbrook yesterday to travel several mountain passes which were all in the clouds and full of snow and ice. It was not a very good day for me. I just wanted to go home. Finally we made it over them going about 40 kms. It took us 7 hours to drive 400 kms. It's different than travelling in Europe in the mountains because it's so moist and when the clouds hang over the top, there is a constant snow fall.
We did have a lovely trip along the number 3 highway all the way into Creston - pretty flat and through the valley all the way. It was after Creston that the mountains start and we didn't know for the first mountain that we could have taken a ferry to avoid it but nowhere did we see a sign or info on the ferry.
We went through several orchard towns, all still with their leaves on the trees and so quaint looking. Very mild weather, hot, and laid out to look like little fairytale villages. Here in osoyoos, the wineries are plentiful, the weather is usually hotter and so we have rain today instead of snow. An odd phenomenon. Again, more delays - such is the way of the travellers.
We left Cranbrook yesterday to travel several mountain passes which were all in the clouds and full of snow and ice. It was not a very good day for me. I just wanted to go home. Finally we made it over them going about 40 kms. It took us 7 hours to drive 400 kms. It's different than travelling in Europe in the mountains because it's so moist and when the clouds hang over the top, there is a constant snow fall.
We did have a lovely trip along the number 3 highway all the way into Creston - pretty flat and through the valley all the way. It was after Creston that the mountains start and we didn't know for the first mountain that we could have taken a ferry to avoid it but nowhere did we see a sign or info on the ferry.
We went through several orchard towns, all still with their leaves on the trees and so quaint looking. Very mild weather, hot, and laid out to look like little fairytale villages. Here in osoyoos, the wineries are plentiful, the weather is usually hotter and so we have rain today instead of snow. An odd phenomenon. Again, more delays - such is the way of the travellers.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sounds Good you 2
Hi guys,
Glad your having fun and heading west. Hope the roads are as good as the company you've had. Have fun, thinking of you and watching for your updates.
Glad your having fun and heading west. Hope the roads are as good as the company you've had. Have fun, thinking of you and watching for your updates.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Nov. 3 Medicine Hat, AB
Heh there ladies and gentlemen,
We have been busy seeing places/things and family/friends from Wpg to Medicine Hat. Visited the spa in Moose Jaw. Great place - we would highly recommend a visit. The town of Moose Jaw is a hidden jewel in the land of SK. Who knew SK was hiding such a quaint and lovely little place. Lots to see and do for such a small place. We stayed for a few days with G's cousins, Elmer and Phyllis, in Moose Jaw and had a lovely time - lots of laughter and many talks about the Sommerfeld family.
Stopped into Regina before that to see David - our soon to be family RCMP officer. Next on the road was Medicine Hat where we are staying with friends that we knew from our days in Elm Creek.
As is usually the case, set out plans are best left ready to be changed because we find that we having been staying and doing things a bit here and there and have changed our minds many times already. Such is the way the world turns. Tomorrow we will head out for Richmond BC and to Carl's place to stay in Vancouver for a bit.
Love to you all, J and G
We have been busy seeing places/things and family/friends from Wpg to Medicine Hat. Visited the spa in Moose Jaw. Great place - we would highly recommend a visit. The town of Moose Jaw is a hidden jewel in the land of SK. Who knew SK was hiding such a quaint and lovely little place. Lots to see and do for such a small place. We stayed for a few days with G's cousins, Elmer and Phyllis, in Moose Jaw and had a lovely time - lots of laughter and many talks about the Sommerfeld family.
Stopped into Regina before that to see David - our soon to be family RCMP officer. Next on the road was Medicine Hat where we are staying with friends that we knew from our days in Elm Creek.
As is usually the case, set out plans are best left ready to be changed because we find that we having been staying and doing things a bit here and there and have changed our minds many times already. Such is the way the world turns. Tomorrow we will head out for Richmond BC and to Carl's place to stay in Vancouver for a bit.
Love to you all, J and G
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